We offer a range of services to help and support to businesses to navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by the GDPR and Data privacy. We work with our clients to ensure that not only are they compliant but that they are clearly demonstrating their compliance.

So whether you are confused about cookies, puzzled by privacy policies, worried about GDPR fines or just disturbed by data, MDdM can smooth the way forward.



Full GDPR Audits

What is the first thing you need to know, where is all your Co’s personal data and what are you doing with it?


DPO Service

We offer an outsourced GDPR specialist to act as your DPO, giving you the best of both worlds, knowledge, which is cost effective.

Data Health Checks

Carried out quickly, efficiently by our specialists to see exactly where you stand.


Staff Training in GDPR 

A very necessary part of GDPR compliance, we offer in person and online training.

Legitimate interest under GDPR

Are you complying with your specific GDPR requirements?


EU Rep Service

We offer international business an English speaking EU representative service, to comply with their GDPR requirements.

Compliance Support

We can support you when you need us and help you ensure compliance with all data privacy laws .


Support with Cookies and Privacy Policies

These are the windows to your business, make sure whoever is looking in likes what they see, we can ensure that they do. 

Our trusted partners

“Maeve works with dental practices committed to assuring their compliance processes are aligned with national legislation and guidelines. As Dental Compliance Ltd also works with many of these practices we are frequently told that Maeve has made GDPR and Data Protection practical for busy dental practitioners.”

 Dental Compliance Ltd